Ecrit par Anne J.
Arrangement: Eric Lang
Voix: Anne J.
Guitare acoustique: Anne J.
Guitare basse percussion et flûtes : Eric Lang
Mixage: Maxime Wathieu @studio 5
Mastering : Pieter De Wagter @EQuuS

Are you the black swan or are you the black cat?
Are you the one who never fits in, lalalai …

Why should we all be alike?
All the same taste, the same size?
Doesn’t the walnut’s strength lie within?
A little bit hard to get to.

Are you the black swan or are you the black cat?
Are you the one who never fits in, lalalai …

Is there a mold to success?
One key, one knowledge, one way?
What does success mean after all?
Without freedom and happiness first?
What does success mean after all?
Without freedom and happiness first?

Are you the black swan or are you the black cat?
Are you the one who never fits in, lalalai …

Black Swan

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